Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is written in plain English, and is meant to be easy to understand.

The short version is that we do not gather any information about you, other than what is needed to run the web site.

As for the long version? is the official web site of the Black Rose Project, a loose organization that is not a legally incorporated entity.

Our web site does not collect any information about you beyond what is necessary for any web site to function: we can see your “IP address,” for instance, but so can any web site you visit. On it’s own, none of this information can identify who, or where, you are, but your IP address can give information as to who provides your internet, as well as give a very non-specific idea of your location. However, as stated previously, any web site you visit can see this information. It is necessary for the internet to function.

We do not share this data with anyone. The only people, besides us, that might be able to access this information is a company known as Hostinger International, Ltd.

The Black Rose Project* pays this company, Hostinger, a monthly fee, and in return, Hostinger gives us a space on their computers for us to run this web site. This is called “web hosting” and the type of computer that Hostinger gives us a space on is called a “web server.”

Hostinger is a company based out of the country of Cyprus, a small nation in Europe, but all of your data stays on the rented web server, which is located here, in the United States. Specifically, the web server that we rent a space on is in Los Angeles, California.

All of these things are common practice in the field of running web sites.

*When we say that the “Black Rose Project” pays Hostinger, this is not entirely accurate. The “Black Rose Project” is not a legal entity and therefore cannot make payments or enter into agreements; as such, the person who is responsible for the website is Austin Pringle, as an individual.